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Festival ?!

EN) It began, TECHNO was played with high volume suddenly…..
JP) 始まった。突然、大音量のテクノが流れてきた。

In front of my apartment at 2:00pm




EN) I rounded the first corner that I saw crowd. There ware many guys coming.
and “DJ 44” spin up, 2MC rap (I don’t know who they are)
JP) 最初の角を曲がると沢山の人だかりが。沢山の若者が居た。
そして”DJ 44″のプレイと2人組のラップ(彼等が何もか知らない)
Now, 10:00pm. Someone is playing the music

8 thoughts to “Festival ?!”

  1. Moo-TblogのKOuです。

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